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communication in history


Communication in History

Communication is a large part of history and so is its evolution. Communication is defined as the exchange of information by writing, speaking, or through another medium. From hieroglyphs to social media everyone can agree that the way humans communicate to each other has vastly changed over the years, and this helps us understand history.


Communication played a pivotal role in the course of the holocaust, primarily by the ways it was used for Nazi propaganda, its use in images, and the impacts written accounts had on history.

Communication:During the Holocaust


Propaganda was one of the reasons the Nazi reign reached  the horrors of the holocaust. Propaganda is communication that is used to influence an audience, most of the time it is in a misleading nature, or is being used to promote a political point of view. This is what occurred in with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi’s. They used posters, radios, music, theatre, films, art, education material, and books. These medias included antisemitic ideas, which were influencing a lot of ethnic Germans. The Nazi’s even had schools teach discrimination against Jews in their books and classes, and would even have classes on how to distinguish one! Radios would talk about how Jewish people were the cause of Germany’s downfall, and so would theatres and music too. This caused the public to discriminate against Jews as well. The Nazi’s also used propaganda to gain power. If they hadn’t used this form of communication they wouldn't have become as powerful, and therefor been able to establish the holocaust.

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